Want an even better experience?

Ms. Xester

“I can be whoever I need to be – even you.”

ProfessionIdentity Theft Professional
SpecialityStolen identities
Secret passionMemoirs from 1860s 💭
Name of the factoryImitation Theatre
The main purpose of the factorySteal identities
The level at which the factory opensLevel 11
Minion of the factory
NameIdentity Minion
Special characteristicThey have no names, you can call them whatever ❓

Tell us about your job

“Everything you do online leaves a trail, and if you’re up to something shady, it’s best if that trail looks like it belongs to someone else. That’s where stolen identities come in handy. The trail sends the investigators or bounty hunters chasing someone else entirely. Let them figure out crimes and blame someone else than me.

I either collect these identities myself or buy them from others. Still, you’ve got to be careful when using them, so you don’t leave your own trail. Gotta stay organised and consider all the options – otherwise, the scams won’t fly.

But now they’ve come up with all sorts of blocks and shutdowns to give me trouble. Sometimes even a perfectly good identity becomes useless when the person figures out how to shut down all the ways I’d exploit their stolen info. How annoying!”